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Hi! I'm Coach Emily Linton.

I help aging athletes recover well and feel strong in their bodies so they can keep up on their next adventure.

Disclaimer: Some people don’t consider themselves athletes when they come to me. But the truth is, athletes come in all shapes and sizes. 

I’ve worked with all sorts of recreational athletes: mountain bikers, skiers, trail runners, kayakers, hikers––you name it.

Coach Emily Linton of Missoula Montana

When I became pregnant with my 2nd daughter, I developed gestational diabetes. I’m not going to lie, we were shocked because I ate mostly healthy foods and was getting lots of exercise. This was when my own health journey got serious. I was determined to have a healthy baby. The scare of diabetes was real.  

I remember feeling so overwhelmed and like there wasn’t enough time in the day between working full-time and parenting my toddler.  How was I going to figure out how to change my eating and exercise habits?

I learned that yogurt and granola for breakfast and handfuls of goldfish spike my blood sugar. Moving almost everyday and lifting heavy is essential. An attitude of gratitude can help to reframe.

My clients learn the exact strategies I used to create habits, rituals, and routines around health.

We figure out how to: fuel for an active lifestyle, achieve a consistent workout routine, get adequate rest for mind and body, use positive self talk, and engage in healthy relationships. 

The best part is feeling strong when my family takes a week-long backpacking trip into the mountains.


For years I rented gym space and created functional one-on-one and small group workouts that helped athletes reach their fitness goals. 

When COVID forced the shut-down of gyms, I coerced my husband into cleaning out our garage and we turned our outdoor space into a workout venue. 

It was in my driveway during a small group fitness class that I heard some clients voice a desire for extra challenge and accountability.


That is when I realized it wasn’t enough just to spend a couple hours a week with my clients.  If they were still eating junk food, stressing out, and barely sleeping in between workouts then it wasn’t going to make much of a difference. 

I began to incorporate weekly health habits that went beyond physical training. That was when I saw the needle move. 

I had known for years that movement was only one piece of the health puzzle. This made me double down on supporting clients in a more holistic way: 

  • I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Earned my Precision Nutrition Coaching and Behavior Change Specialist Certificates  

  • I went to the College for Executive Coaching 

  • I passed the National Boards for Health and Wellness Coaching

My breakthrough clients had experienced health coaching with a fitness component. I had to ask myself, “Do I want to make a bigger impact for my clients?” “Can health coaching get my clients to a healthier future: one in which they have more energy, less stress, more positivity, and improved strength and confidence?”

The answer was clear. Health coaching was my calling. 


I no longer work with clients one on one in my driveway. Instead, I design one on one coaching sessions around my core principles:

So when my clients send me messages like this:

“I can't remember at any point in my life going through such a dramatic change. It was the holistic approach of changing eating/drinking habits paired with a little competitive spirit and plenty of sweat that did it…you are great at what you do. I don’t worry at all about maintaining…I so much prefer my new lifestyle that going back just isn’t an option! Thank you, thank you!”

I know all the hours of studying and research are getting my clients the results I want for them. 

I’ve spent the bulk of my life pushing my own limits.  Now, I use my hard-earned lessons and the work I’ve done on myself to create a customized, client-centered health coaching program. 

My mission is to help as many aging athletes as I can to recover well so that they can feel strong in their bodies and take full advantage of what they’re capable of.

If you know that you have put your own health on the back burner OR if you think you are overlooking some of the pieces in your own health puzzle, let’s work together to co-create the health you want.



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